Can the IRS hold me personally liable for Payroll Taxes?
Yes. Although it’s the business entity that accrued and is liable for payroll taxes, interest, and tax penalties, the government can hold an individual personally liable for back payroll taxes by...
View ArticleNew Jersey and New York Tax Relief for Victims of Hurricanes
Because of Hurricane Irene, President Obama declared the following New York and New Jersey counties a federal disaster area: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex,...
View ArticleHow the New Fiscal Deal will Affect Your Taxes in 2013
The fiscal deal that Congress created was ostensibly the saving grace for the nation, allowing the bulk of Americans to be spared from the biggest tax increases that would have gone into effect in...
View ArticleVoluntary Classification Settlement Program Scheduled to Close June 30
In an older blog, I discussed an IRS program called the Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP) that allowed employers an opportunity to reclassify their workers, from independent...
View ArticleThe Dangers of Unpaid Back Payroll Taxes
Notwithstanding IRS budget cuts, my tax practice has experienced an uptick of unpaid payroll tax investigation cases. I have also observed that payroll cases are move faster through the IRS collection...
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